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4 Legit Ways to Create Google-Friendly Content

Did you know that Google does not send organic search traffic to over 90% of web pages?

How can you ensure that Google sees and ranks your pages?

The position of your website in Google’s SERPs has a significant impact on the amount of organic traffic it receives.

You won’t appear high on search result pages if you don’t consider search intent or high-ranking keywords.

As a result, it’s critical to optimize your content in accordance with Google’s rules in order to stay on Google’s good side.

Is it a good idea to write content with Google in mind?

You may produce user-first content that succeeds by respecting Google’s existing standards – and vice versa.

Allow me to explain.

SEO experts recognize that following Google’s terms and understanding its guidelines is essential if you want to rank effectively on the search engine.

It can be difficult to keep up with a complex set of criteria, the possibility of new additional penalties, ever-changing algorithms, and a shift toward user-first content.

Fortunately, many of Google’s new rules are designed to ensure that your content is user-friendly.

By adhering to the suggested best practices and rules, you’ll be able to develop exactly what Google wants: user-centric content.

So, how can you write content that will appeal to your audience and, as a result, Google?

How can you prevent manual action penalties that reduce traffic and hurt your bottom line?

To stay in Google’s good graces, you must first understand which bad content habits to abandon and which great practices to follow in order to keep your material fresh and high-performing.

Continue reading for a thorough discussion of our dos and don’ts for generating Google-friendly content.

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1. Ditch Thin Content. Create High-Quality Content Only.

Thin content, scraped content, and keyword stuffing are all devalued by Google, and your content’s ranking on SERPs may suffer as a result.

On the other hand, ensuring that your content contains rich, relevant, and actionable information might help you rank higher.

In short, it’s critical that your content provides value to the viewer while still adhering to Google’s guidelines.

Eating your content is one method to do this.

Use EAT To Guage Your Content’s Quality

No, not literally (though I’m sure it’s delicious). EAT stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

EAT is made up of the qualities that Google looks for in content creators to ensure that their content is up to par.

Essentially, the easiest method to ensure you’re complying with Google’s guidelines is to generate and use content that is:

  • Beneficial to the intended audience.
  • Designed by a professional.
  • This information comes from a reliable source.
  • Regularly updated.

The easiest way to do this is to establish a solid data-driven content marketing plan.

2. Understand Your Expertise. Be Truthful, Accurate & Thorough In YMYL Content.

Not every content is given the same weight.

Google places a premium on the validity of pages where untrustworthy material can have major effects when calculating search quality.

These pages are referred to by Google as Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) material because low-quality content might have dangerous consequences for the reader.

What Topics Are Included In YMYL Content?

YMYL content includes topics like:

  • News.
  • Government.
  • Legal information.
  • Financial information.
  • Online shopping.
  • Health resources, and more.

As Google puts it in its Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines, “We have very high page quality rating standards for YMYL sites,” says the company, “since low-quality YMYL pages could potentially negatively affect a person’s enjoyment, health, financial stability, or safety.”

If you’re making or using YMYL content, you should be extra cautious about the quality of what you’re putting out there.

You should be able to avoid penalties when it comes to sensitive themes if your material fits the EAT criteria.

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3. Conduct & Act-On Frequent Competitor Analysis.

It’s critical to keep an eye on what your competitors are doing if you want to outrank them.

The more you know about your competitors’ content marketing and SEO techniques, the more likely you are to develop material that successfully competes.

Conduct regular content audits to compare techniques and top-performing keywords, as well as to evaluate what measures you may take to improve.

How Do I Conduct Competitor Analysis For Content Marketing?

Tools like Similarweb’s Digital Marketing Intelligence make it easy to maintain track of your competitors’ search strategies and identify the outcomes of their approaches.

You can check which paid and organic keywords your competitors are using and spot untapped potential with keyword research tools in particular.

You may also keep track of search trends in your sector and use the proper keywords to get more visitors.

4. Consider User Intent & Tailor Content To User Needs.

We previously stated that user experience and Google’s rules are inextricably linked.

Keep user intent in mind while you scout the competition and conduct keyword research for new keywords to target.

You can create a fantastic user experience for the user by matching user intent, or the needs of the user throughout their search, and that’s what Google wants search engine marketers, content developers, and SEO specialists to do.

How Do I Consider User Intent In Seach Engine Marketing?

In Google’s eyes, good user intent alignment leads to a favorable user experience, which is a win.

Effective search engine marketing (SEM) in 2022 will aim to meet user intent in as few clicks as possible.

You can boost your SEO and create a smooth user experience by optimizing your content with search intent in mind.

Final words

When developing content, you must consider a variety of things to stay on Google’s good side and have a successful search strategy.

Make sure you’re giving clear value to users (Google will notice), and that you’re keeping track of your competitors’ methods (because Google will be).

You’re one step closer to developing powerful, high-converting content that will establish you as an authority in your field if you create material that adheres to Google’s preferences and rules.

You’ll be sweeping the SERPs before you know it, and we hope to see you there!

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