How to get a job in Digital Marketing

According to a study carried out by INESDI, more than 40% of job offers in Spain in recent years come from this sector. This is due to the digital transformation of companies.
More and more businesses include professionals from all areas of digital marketing to make their online business profitable and prosper.
If you are reading this, you are interested in working in digital marketing and you do not know how to take your first steps.
In this article I will explain how to find a job in digital marketing and I will give you some tips to empower yourself as a professional.
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Ways to find your first job in Digital Marketing
There are several ways to find work and start in digital marketing, but I will tell you the ones that I consider the most effective and the best are working today.
Your own website
In my opinion, having a website in the digital sector is essential. Especially if your intention is to work as a freelance offering services or info products.
To have visibility in digital marketing, you have to be present online, and your clients will search for you on Google.
It is also very effective if you are looking for a job in an agency or digital marketing company for someone else.
Agencies and businesses that recruit their workers first analyze their websites and social media.
Your website is a real cover letter and where you can show what you know how to do.
You must take into account several factors:
Good web hosting. It is very important to choose a good hosting where to host your page to have the minimum of problems and that everything works correctly. Loading speed, backups, storage … All in the simplest way and with a support that meets your needs.
Buy your domain. Along with hosting, you must choose a good name for your website domain, and it will be aligned with the approach you want to give to your project. The normal thing when you are looking for a job in digital marketing is that it is your name, since you will be promoting your personal brand.
Page structure. Think about what you want to show on your website. Everything will depend on your goals.
If you want to start providing services, the logical thing is to have a home page, a page about me, a service page and a contact page. The blog is also important to position yourself in Google and offer valuable content to your potential clients.
If what you are looking for is to find your first job in a company, a good idea is to add a page in which you show your CV visually and dynamically.
Page design. Your personal brand will have to be aligned with a logo and corporate colors. Define them and reflect your visual identity on the page. Be careful with images, fonts and more elements that can slow down the loading of your website. You must find the balance between a visual and eye-catching page and a simple and intuitive user experience.
Page content. Work the texts of your page, how you are going to sell yourself as a professional. Also take care of the legal texts.
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A blog
A blog is a long-term strategy. The results do not come at once, but in the long run it is a very effective way to position yourself as a benchmark in your sector.
You will add value and your potential clients will find you when they seek information about the problem they have.
You will also demonstrate everything you know to those companies that are looking for new professionals to hire.
And if you follow a strategy and are patient, you will position in search engines and gain visibility.
Many students of mine have found work thanks to writing good articles that have attracted the attention of clients and companies.
You must be clear about one thing: it is true that many people are not interested in having a blog because of the volume of work that it entails.
You have to spend a lot of time writing quality articles and getting them to rank.
If you don’t like writing or you think you’ll end up neglecting it, then don’t do it.
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A good Marketing Resume
If you are not interested in investing your time and money in creating a web page and / or a blog, you can also work your resume very well.
Although it is true that most digital professionals work their visibility on the Internet in this way, you do not have to do it too.
Of course, the traditional curriculum that we all know no longer works. And by this I mean the typical CV created with a Word document.
Think that companies receive hundreds of resumes constantly and you will not stand out if you do it like the rest .
Today there are companies that help you create a striking resume that includes all the information that companies need to know about you in an original way and that identifies you.
A profile on Linkedin worked
This option is complementary to all the previous ones.
Linkedin is the most powerful professional social network today.
It can be used in different ways:
- As a professional looking to gain visibility and authority as well as new potential clients.
- As a professional looking for a job.
- As a company that recruits new employees.
You see then why it is so important that you work Linkedin if your intention is to find a job in digital marketing.
It will help you to search and be found.
In Linkedin you can include the curriculum that you have previously created so that companies can see it. You can also add the information to your profile manually.
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Tips for finding a job in Digital Marketing
Now that you have different options to consider when looking for and finding a job in digital marketing, I’m going to give you some tips:
Boost your personal brand
Be clear about your value proposition. What makes you special and what can you contribute as a professional to a client or a company.
You must enhance your skills and abilities and differentiate yourself from other people who are also looking for a job in the digital marketing sector.
And how to boost your personal brand?
- With a website based on a clear strategy and objectives.
- With an original marketing resume that identifies and differentiates you.
- With the contents of a blog that position you as a reference to find valuable information.
- With a Linkedin profile worked that gives you visibility.
You can choose one or combine several, but the important thing is that you differentiate yourself as a digital marketing professional.
Train yourself constantly
Investing in training is always a good option. Even more so in the digital sector, which evolves by leaps and bounds on a daily basis. It is very easy to get outdated in marketing and advertising, and that is why you must be in constant training and find out about the latest trends.
Train and specialize.
The first thing is to have a global vision of digital marketing and train yourself in general content in all areas.
Once there, you will discover what you like and where you want to direct your professional career.
Do you want to be a copywriter? Or maybe you are interested in being a Digital Trafficker? Do you see yourself working as an SEO or as a SEM specialist?
Within digital marketing there are many areas in which to work and companies need professionals specialized in all of them more than ever . Together, they make up an effective online strategy for any profitable business.
If you already know what you want to do, then train and learn new things every day to do your best in your next job.
In the marketing sector, networking is essential.
It is important to meet other professionals in this world, not only for future collaborations or to open up new possibilities in your future work. You should also surround yourself with your competition.
Where there is competition, there is business. You should not fear it because it is actually good. Meet people who want to work in the same sector as you and think about what they are doing well and you are not, to continue working and striving.
Work social networks
It is not mandatory, as many people do not like social media and still have no problem finding a good job in digital marketing.
Do they help you position yourself and gain visibility?
Yes, and a lot.
Most professionals in the sector work their social networks. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, Linkedin …
What you must be clear about is that you cannot be in all of them at the same time effectively.
You should choose two or three and dedicate the time necessary to create quality content.
If your goal is to find a job in marketing, Linkedin must be yes or yes.
Then you can choose the ones you like the most and contribute valuable content on a frequent basis to show what you know and that companies know you beyond a resume.
Think that businesses hire people, and it is logical that they want to meet you to see if you convey confidence.
Define your goals
In the end, everything you do must be aligned with some objectives.
If you are reading this post, it is clear that you want to find a job in digital marketing.
Now think: where do you want to work? What position do you want to play? Why do you want to be hired? What are your ambitions as a professional once you are hired? And more questions to ask yourself.
Knowing your goals, you will discover what actions will suit you best .
You will be clear if you will work on social networks and which of them. You will know if you want to create a marketing resume or a professional website.
And based on how hard you work at it, more or less opportunities will come.
Research the companies that may interest you
An important advice that I give you is that you look for and analyze the companies in which you would like to work. Analyze the website, social networks and Linkedin profile. The latter is important because you may find active job offers on the social network.
Still, don’t just apply for that offer.
By researching the companies that interest you, you will know what their missions, values and objectives are as a business. You will see if they match yours and if you meet what they may be looking for.
Create your own experiences
Most companies are looking for professionals with a lot of experience.
The problem is that, if you are just starting out and looking for your first job in marketing, it is impossible for you to have.
This is where you can really differentiate yourself.
Creating your own experience will attract the attention of the agencies and companies in which you are interested in working.
They will feel your desire and your positive attitude, in addition to discovering your skills without having had a previous job.
How can you do it?
Creating your own portfolio.
Imagine that you want to be a copywriter and you are looking for a marketing company that hires you for someone else.
If you don’t have experience, a good way to have a portfolio to show him is by doing fictitious work.
Find several websites where the copy is not worked and needs an improvement, and do it yourself!
In this way you will demonstrate what you are capable of and companies will see in you a great initiative to hire you for.
Has it been clear to you how to find a job in Digital Marketing and Advertising?
Remember: with effort and perseverance, the results come alone.
Now that you know how to find a job in digital marketing, it’s time to get down to work and boost your professional profile.
I hope this article has helped you to make your job search bear fruit.
Tell me, what job would you like to do in the digital marketing sector? We talk in comments.
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